Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Mindset: Guilt

"She's petting me! Yay! I love it when she pets me. Wait a second... I don't like THAT spot. How dare she pet my side, 1 inch down the left side of my back! I'll teach her a lesson!" *Goes in for the bite* "Oh, she stopped... Good human. Quick, make it look like I wasn't about to bite her!" *Lick Lick*
Lol, Calista is funny sometimes.... I know she was about to bite, but it's like she has a conscious and changes her mind at the last minute. In order to repent for her evil thoughts, she licks her mama's hand instead. xD Silly kitty! -SMCD

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Mindset: To clean or scratch, that is the question!

Calista started licking her front paw and rubbing it furiously over her cheek. She must have had an itch during that same time cause her back paw starts to kick at the air as she reaches for her cheek. I think she had a dilemma.


Friday, April 25, 2014

Mindset: Air trip

*tmp tmp tmp* ..... *tmp tmp tmp* *thud thud, scurry scurry, jangle jangle*
Calista is hyper and runs to and fro in the center of the living room.
*zooom* *zoooooom*
She bats her favorite shimmering golden ball across the floor. Suddenly, her sights set upon the couch. She makes a run for it, leaps, and... must have tripped on the air. She crashes chest first into the side of the couch, which then causes her to do some weird backflip maneuver.
I laughed.
I laughed hard.
That was by far the funniest stunt I've ever seen my cat do..


Sunday, October 27, 2013

[H]uman Mindset: Bedding decisions

"Hum dee dum dee dum. I need to put my bedding in the wash."

*Looks down* "Oh... Calista is sleeping on the bed... She looks so peaceful, I wouldn't want to disturb her. Hmm... what to do. What to do. I know! I'll go back to bed."

Bedding decisions based off a cat's busy life.



Saturday, June 1, 2013

Mindset: Hunting the analog clock

I took my analog clock off the wall to fix the time on it. My cat found it and proceeded to hunt the second hand. She even bit it to try to kill it.


Thursday, December 27, 2012

Mindset: Attac(h)k of the Camera Case

(*Note: My camera case shuts via a magnet)

*SniffSniff* "OoOo, this smells interesting."
*Looks down at the camera case, smelling all too interestingly, her collar tags dangling, when all of a sudden!*
["Calista, what are you doing, you are way too interested in that camera case.."]

The camera case's magnet had stuck to Calista's collar tags...

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Mindset: Where'd the bed go?

"Damn, I'm bored... Hey, is that a wire?"
["Calista! No! NO! Bad! Don't eat the computer wire"]
*Plop* "Aw man!" *BatBatBatCHEW*
*Stare restlessly*
"Man... so bored. Well, I'd best find something else to do... uh.... wait a second!!!"
*Fall off side of bed, looking intentionally boss unintentionally*
*Single little pitiful paw clings desperately to the side of the bed, but it's far too late*

My Facebook post:
"LMFAO! I've never laughed so hard at my cat before! >XDD She was being a brat, playing with my computer wire on my bed. I kept telling her "No... don't do it!" So she's all restless and antsy, wanting to play, but calming down knowing she better not. Well... she's a LITTLE too close to the edge of the bed... and she rolls over in that "Aw man! Well... better find something else to...." manner before hitting the "HOLY SHIT THERE'S NO MORE BED!!" realization. x'D She rolls over off the bed like a boss that it almost looked smooth and intentional but totally wasn't!! Like, there wasn't even an inch of bed for her to grab onto. It was *Roll* *Realizes there is no bed left and can't even find enough time to react* I saw one pathetic paw clinging to the side for just a split moment. Oh god... only my ungraceful cat could pull a move like that! (This took me like 5 minutes to write because I was laughing so hard tears were rolling down my face!)" -SMCD