Sunday, December 18, 2011

Mindset: Yoda Kitty

I was cradling Calista and she started licking her paw. She pulled it just slightly away and it gave her a "FUAH" look like that Yoda Baby. But that wasn't the best part.... She pulls her paw down some more and what do I see?! Her tongue sticking out. XDD Oh gawd! It was awesome!! -SMCD

Friday, April 1, 2011

Mind Set: Boredom induced OCD

*Jump on bed (scritch scritch scrat of claws on bed), meow, walk in front of computer and stick butt in mom's face* "Hey mom, I love you, pet me. Pet me mom." [*Pet Pet Pet*] *Stand, blocking computer screen, staring at the wall... Jump off bed*

5 minutes later *Jump (scritch scrat scrit) Walk in front of computer, meow, nudge mommy's arm* [*Pet Pet Pet* "Ok Calista. You're blocking the computer screen..."] *Stand and stare at wall. Jump off bed*

4 minutes later: *Jump (Scrit scratch scrit) [Oh god, not again.... *FacePalm*] -SMCD

Monday, March 21, 2011

Mindset: Leaf

"Omg, what is that! WHAT IS THAT BROWN THING SCURRYING ACROSS THE PORCH!" *Run, scamper, pounce!* "Ya that's what I thought! Too scared to challenge me!"

[Me] "It's a leaf, Calista... Blowing in the wind." o.0; -SMCD